Why You Should Try Axe Throwing Right Now
We know you’ve seen the pictures on Instagram and you’re probably wondering, why are there so many lumberjacks out there all of a sudden? We’re here to tell you, they are not lumberjacks. They are people, just like you. And axe throwing, despite what you’ve heard, isn’t just some trend, it’s a true sport, with rules, coaches, leagues, and a lot of positive energy. What began as a Canadian pastime, is now an international phenomenon, with axe throwing lanes cropping up everywhere. If you’re considering whether you should join this axe throwing madness, here are some reasons why you should definitely try axe throwing now!
#1 – Axe throwing is fun
It’s the most obvious reason of them all, try axe throwing because it’s fun. You get to whip an axe through the air, watching it cut soundlessly towards the target, listen to the satisfying thunk when deadly metal meets wood. You can work on your lumberjack moves, compete against your friends, and listen to music while playing a fun game with your best pals. It’s not too hard, and almost anyone with proper body balance can master it. After few throws, you’ll see yourself improving.
#2 – It makes you feel freakin’ awesome
Not to be overlooked, throwing a massive, deadly axe at a target in the company of your best friends makes you feel like a freakin’ badass. Not only do you get to enjoy getting back to you rugged roots, but also you get to wield the ultimate power of the axe. Once you feel that axe’s awesome weight in your hands, you’ll never be the same.
#3 – It’s social
In pubs there are darts, pub quizzes, and pool to accompany your average night of socializing with friends. But who wouldn’t prefer to take their socializing with a side of axe throwing? It’s a great way to gather a group of friends for the night and do something together that you’re really going to remember. Most axe throwing locations let you bring your own snacks and non-alcoholic drinks, too, so it’s basically the same as going to the pub. (Just make sure you research the nearest bar for post-axe drinks.)
#4 – It’s different
Don’t trust the hype, check it out for yourself. Trying out new things can freshen up your perspective. Probably just a year ago you couldn’t imagine grown-up people chasing Pokemon in the park. Same goes for axe throwing. Previously it was reserved for that special occasional hit when a cottage owner got angry with a stubborn piece of wood, and now it’s everywhere.
#5 – There’s an awesome community
The axe throwing community is a sweet group of people. They’re mostly described as an alternative bunch with a focus of true sportsmanship and camaraderie. There are no weirdoes here (or, if there are, they’re only the good kind of weirdoes). Just check out any of the axe throwing leagues near you, and you’ll see how many enthusiasts have been competing for a title while having a blast with like-minded people. Statistics say that 40% of players are women, too, so kudos to you ladies.
#6 – It will come in handy
We’re not saying that it’s going to happen, but in the event of a zombie apocalypse, people who are good at axe throwing are going to survive the longest.
#7 – It’s a super ab workout
It’s not that axe throwing is like CrossFit (we’re really happy it isn’t), but when you’re throwing axes it’s actually a pretty good workout. If you’re doing it with the proper form, you’ll really feel it in your abs, but you’ll also feel it in your upper arm muscles. And if you join an axe throwing league, you’ll likely develop the physique of a lumberjack in no time.
#7 – You can drink while you do it
Most axe throwing locations operate as BYO snacks and non-alcoholic drinks facilities. But some of them do sell beer and wine. You’ll of course want to watch the alcohol intake—you will be, after all, in possession of a lethal weapon.
So, if you’re ready to get rugged, pick your favorite flannel shirt and throw some axes! Check out the axe throwing location closest to you and invite your friends for a night out. And who knows? Maybe you’ll be hooked.
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